Sunday, February 24, 2013

Where To Start When It Comes To Heart Health

We’ve heard the statistics, watched the documentaries, read the books, and even listened to healthcare professionals lecture about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, but how many of us have actually made positive changes? There is an obesity epidemic in America that has led to an array of healthcare issues such as immobilization, diabetes, and heart disease. Yet, only a small portion of people suffering from obesity are doing anything to prevent from developing these, possibly deadly, health conditions. Do most Americans not care about their well-being? Are they depending on a magic pill to take care of their health concerns in the future? Do they not view their health problems as being severe? Why does it take something major, such as a heart attack, for someone to finally make a change to their lifestyle?

According to the CDC, 600,000 Americans die from heart disease a year; 1 out of every 4 deaths are the leading cause in deaths for both men and women. Just think about how many of these deaths could have been prevented. While there is a lot of progress being made in detection of heart disease and treatment, there is little to no progress being made in lifestyle changes and prevention. The simplest way to prevent heart disease, and many other deadly diseases, is to live a healthy, active lifestyle. If we can increase our chances of not only living longer, but living a life without constant doctor visits, pain, and medication, why wouldn’t we try it?
What can you do to live a healthier, longer life?
• Do your best to consume healthy, nutrient-rich meals
• Maintain a healthy weight
• Make exercise and physical activities a priority
• Limit your alcohol consumption
• Avoid smoking cigarettes
Making just a few healthy changes can make the world of a difference. If you haven’t started your healthy lifestyle change, why not start now? At Youngevity, we are always challenging others to improve their lifestyles! You can start with the Healthy Body Challenge! Currently, you can even earn a free month supply of The Healthy Start Pak! Take the challenge and check out the details HERE!
Prevent yourself and loved ones from disease and get started on a healthy transformation now!
Rocio Ramos
Contributing Writer
Youngevity Marketing Team


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